We made dinner at the house that night, and sat down and discussed telling everyone. Obviously, my mom was at the ultrasound that day, so she knew. We had already called his mom and sister, so they knew. Tricia (my BFF) already knew. My brother and sister-in-law already knew. Really, it was only a matter of time before someone spilled the beans, and being the control freak I am, I really didn't want the news coming out without US being in control of the when and how. Plus, our families can't keep their mouths shut. :)
Now, for a little something that some people might find odd. In December 2012, Bobby and I had family pictures made with our dog, Elsa. I had emailed our photographer, Angel Porch (www.angelporchphotography.com), prior to our session to ask a strange question, and to no surprise of mine, she was very much on board with our idea. We wanted to shoot a few pictures announcing our pregnancy, even though we weren't pregnant yet. I thought she might think that was a little weird, or maybe bad luck, but she was so happy to do it! We bought/made a few props and our photos turned out GREAT. We just planned to keep them on the computer until we needed them, and two months later, we were discussing which one to use. FINALLY.
So we wrote up a Facebook post, with the picture we chose attached, announcing the baby. I couldn't wait any more. After everything we had been through to get to this point, the news was bursting out of me like a rainbow. I knew I wouldn't be able to go to work the next day without a big goofy grin on my face giving it all away, so we went ahead and announced it. And seriously, I don't know how I would've been able to wait 5 more weeks with that kind of new bottled up inside me. To all you ladies who can keep a secret like that, congratulations. That is not a talent I possess.
So, two weeks pass, and we go back for another ultrasound. It was February 18th... President's Day. EVERYONE knew we were pregnant by then, and I was SO excited that Bobby was finally able to come see our little peanut. It made me really sad that he missed the first one, so I knew he was super pumped about this one. I was just really hoping for the good news to keep coming.
He was SO excited. We were 8 weeks, 5 days on this day, and we could already see arms and legs wiggling around. What an amazing miracle. I also knew that I was SO attached already, and if something bad did happen, I'd be an absolute wreck. Getting pregnant and being pregnant is the biggest emotional roller coaster I've ever been on. Even now, at 25 weeks, I'm a nervous twit every day, just hoping something doesn't go wrong.
I love reading these posts and hearing your story!! The nervousness over something going wrong doesn't go away after the pregnancy. You will be checking her to make sure she is still breathing several times a day!! :)