Hmmm... I just re-read all of that, and I know it sounds a little (or a lot) whiney. I know there are people who would kill for the opportunity to do a nasty glucose test, because that would mean they are pregnant. And believe me, I know how it feels to want to be pregnant more than anything else in the whole wide world. In the grand scheme of things, I would've done anything it took to make sure my pregnancy was a healthy one. :)
So, at 30 weeks pregnant, we found out that my glucose was fine. No gestational diabetes for me! Which was great, because I was eating everything I could get my hands on. The next few weeks were a blur. I planned to work for as long as I could, but it was definitely getting harder in the middle of summer. I can't wear shorts and flip flops to work, or I would have! It's funny... I always said I wanted to time it right and get pregnant at the end of summer, be pregnant all fall, winter and spring, and then have the kid right before summer so I could stay home with the baby during the heat. If you want to make God laugh, make a plan. He gave me the exact opposite!
I feel like the first trimester was so slow-going, not knowing if we were going to have a viable pregnancy, always worrying about miscarriage, etc. The middle trimester was just kinda normal, and as we entered the third and final trimester, time just seemed to fly by. In the grand scheme of things, the only hiccup we had after we knew we had a heart beating was the glucose test. And I know that's not even really a hiccup. I was blessed with a very healthy pregnancy. By 37 weeks, we talked to our doctor about inducing. She said she would induce at 39 weeks if we wanted to, and trust me.. in the heat of summer, that sounded AMAZING. I know some people have their own opinions about "letting the body do what it knows how to do", and "let the baby come out when it's ready", but we knew she was healthy, we knew she was BIG, and we knew we were READY! So, we planned an induction at 39 weeks. And waited.