Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Finding Someone to Pull This Baby Out

It's pretty amazing how many ups and downs come with being pregnant. It's literally an everyday occurrence, and since it started so early with us, I don't think we realized it until way later than normal. So, Dr. Reshef and his team made it very clear to us from the beginning that his job is to help us GET pregnant, not deliver the baby. We were told that we would go back to our original Ob/Gyn for those services after we reached about 8 weeks. So during this final visit with Dr. Reshef at nearly 9 weeks, we knew we'd be going on a hunt. My regular gynecologist doesn't deliver babies anymore, so I printed a list of Ob/Gyns in our insurance network and had him look it over. He made a few recommendations and we went hunting for a new doctor.

I had no idea the process of finding someone to pull this baby out would be so hard. Most of the doctors on the list I had were out of one office, Women's Healthcare of Norman, which I had heard wonderful things about. I called, and they told me to print, fill out, and fax back a HUGE packet of information. I damn near had to write an essay to get into this office. Turns out, there are 6 Ob/Gyns in this particular office, and the first 5 were "full" for September. I guess they only take so many patients? Thankfully, the last one they checked took us in, and were were no longer doctorless hobos. Great news for Bobby, since I know he didn't want to get stuck being in charge of boiling water and gathering towels for a home delivery in our bathroom. LOL

I made an appointment to see her as soon as possible, and our first visit was on March 5th. I was so excited to finally meet our doctor and get to know her a little, but alas, the first visit turned out to only be a medical history appointment with her nurse. Grrrr.... next appointment made for March 25th with the actual doctor. The nurse told us a few things about her, so we already knew that she loved doing ultrasounds (yay!), and was perfectly find inducing labor and not letting you go way past your due date (yay!). So, by the time we met the lady who would be yanking this kid out of me, we were already 13 weeks along. Talk about a stressful few weeks! After going through everything we had been through so far, we were kinda living in "no man's land" with no doctor. We just prayed that everything would be okay, and hoped for the best.

So, March 25th came along and we finally went down to the office to meet the mystery woman. When she came in, she was very nice, very up front, very to-the-point. Which I appreciate. We also found out that her family is quite religious, which I also appreciate, and that they had just adopted a little girl that SHE delivered, who was abandoned by the parents at the hospital. How amazing is that? Come to find out, she uses her job as an Ob/Gyn to fit people trying to have a baby (but can't) with people having a baby (but don't want to), and has arranged several private adoptions right through her office. I think that's remarkable.

Our next appointment was set for four weeks later. I found that going from seeing our fertility doctor every week or every other week to seeing our regular Ob was really hard. That's a long four weeks to not know what's going on or if everything is okay!

I should add that during this time, I was SO sick. And the term "morning sickness" is bullshit, because it's all day. I got sick first thing in the morning when I brushed my teeth, because I brush my tongue (don't you?) and even the tiniest bit of toothpaste slipping to the back of my throat made me gag so hard that I puked. EVERY DAY. And the puking lasted about 5-6 minutes. And since I hadn't eaten anything yet, it was those dry heaves, where all you're puking is stomach acid and bile. YUCK. I also got sick if I didn't eat at regular intervals. Even now, at almost 29 weeks, I have to eat something every two or three hours at least, or here come the voms. And, if I wait too long to eat, when I finally do eat, I usually puke that up too. The bright side of this is that I've lost weight. Maybe I'll be the only person in the history of forever to actually lose weight having a baby!? I'll just hope... :)